Since I started my recent research on first year teachers I think it would be interesting to write a book about it, The Untold Stories of First Year Educators. I would set up a similar format to the book, The Help, where each chapter is a different teacher’s point of view in their school. It would include the good, the bad, and the ugly, or the world of education. I am not teaching in a district yet but I do work in one and I see many different incidents that happen between teachers and teachers, teachers and students, and teachers and administrators. Rumors begin like the teachers are back in their middle school gossip filled days compiling their lives of lesson plans and smack talking. First year teachers are thrown into the mix of the new social world and have to choose which group they want to belong to. Teachers have groups set up similar to the atmosphere they work in such as the popular crowd, jocks, and outcasts. Finding your place as a first year teacher while dealing with the struggles of the student body can be greatly challenging and overwhelming. Once new teachers find their place they get sucked into the social atmosphere of their new work environment leaving them with only one choice, join the gossip or become an outcast.